Economic Units through El-Lahun Account Papyri

Document Type : Original Article



The economy of ancient Egypt can be possible described as a ‘redistributive system’.  And that is because it depended on collecting commodities and storing it in granaries  for  use  as  future  rations  to  the  Pharaoh’s  subjects,  provision  for  the  royal  palace  and  its  dependants,  to  personnel  attached  to  temples,  and  the  workmen  in  the royal necropolis. Therefore this system expresses a centrally based bureaucracy that collected from its subjects only to redistribute to them later C. Eyre argues that the term “redistribution” does not explain how the economy works; he also calls it a “misconception, or rather over-simplification”.In other words, the “redistribution” implies that goods "which are collectively produced, centrally collected and stored" are returned "to the producers"
